Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastor’s Ponderings

Pastors Pondering

Last week, the United Methodist Church held the postponed 2020 General Conference. Historic changes unfolded at this meeting that impacted the denomination in the U.S. and overseas. After decades of division over matters of human sexuality, many congregations chose to...

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Pastors Pondering

Oftentimes, the challenges of a big issue such as caring for the environment seem overwhelming. Where do we start? What can we do? The best thing is to start somewhere and to do what you can.   There was a recent meeting of the church “Green Team” where we...

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Pastors Pondering

The General Conference, the global gathering of The United Methodist Church, will meet April 23 - May 3 in Charlotte, N.C. This will be the first General Conference session held since the special session held in February 2019. There will be the opportunity to remove...

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Pastors Pondering

From time to time, I am asked to do some work on behalf of other congregations in the Baltimore-Washington Conference. Recently, I was asked to be part of a study team to examine the current health and ministry of the United Methodist Church elsewhere in Frederick...

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Pastors Pondering

During the season of Lent, we had a weekly study of the various parts of Holy Week using a book by Amy-Jill Levine called Entering the Passion of Jesus. We did not get a chance to discuss the last chapter which focused on Jesus in Gethsemane just prior to his arrest....

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Pastors Pondering

Happy Easter to all.  Check out the new photo gallery from our Easter Celebration and Easter Sunday.  The Pastors Pondering will return April 9.

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Pastors Pondering

These are some full and exciting days! On Sunday, we celebrated the start of Holy Week. We remembered the way in which an excited and joyful crowd welcomed Jesus into the ancient city of Jerusalem. We were reminded that all too soon, the people would turn against...

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Pastors Pondering

WE CARE. That’s the name of the group that offers a meal after a memorial service or funeral. When a family is in grief and busy with all the things that need to be done after the loss of a loved one, this time for sharing food and memories and being with one another...

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Pastors Pondering

During this season of Lent, I have been using the book Freeing Jesus, by Diana Butler Bass as a starting point with my Sunday messages. In the book, she lays out seven different ways of experiencing Jesus. We’ve looked at Jesus as a friend, teacher, savior, and...

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