Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

We are in the midst of Vacation Bible School this week. This time around we is learning that “Jesus rescues.” When we feel lonely, when we are worried, when we struggle, when we have done wrong and when we are powerless, Jesus rescues. It’s a great message that gets repeated in many ways as the week goes on in games, Bible adventures, snacks, craft projects, and music. This week the buildings are filled with more than 100 children plus the youth and adult crew leaders. It’s great to see the church so full of energy and excitement.

Vacation Bible School is always a momentous undertaking. There is lots of planning and decorating and ordering materials, snacks to prepare, and songs and motions to learn. Each year, there comes a point when the amount to still to do and the energy and enthusiasm that is still inside seem to be reaching a tipping point. But I tall works out. And the smiling faces of children (and their parents) makes it more than worthwhile.

A big thank you goes to Christy Mossburg, the director, who has been involved now with 19 different VBS experiences. Thanks also to all the stations leaders and crew leaders and helpers who offered their time. If you are available on Thursday evening, please stop by the church starting at 5:30 pm. We will have a simple supper and various activities running to show families and others what VBS is all about. We will also feature some of the VBS highlights this Sunday in the worship service.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Steve
(aka this week, “Jim NoLand”)