Children’s Sunday School
Our goal is to help our children become true disciples of Jesus Christ by building relationships with them, being examples for them, and teaching them God’s Word.
Our Children’s Sunday School program for children ages 3 years to 5th grade meets every Sunday morning from September – June from 9:00 – 9:45 in the Activities Room of the Education Building.
Our program features Bible learning, games, crafts, songs, and much more! Special events include Mission Projects, our Christmas Pageant in December, Bible Sunday for 3rd graders, Vacation Bible School in June, and other opportunities throughout the year.
Our Children’s Sunday School teaching team includes Amy Stone, Marlene Bordner, Michael and Melissa Gaeta, Grace Dobson, Ronda Dudley, Mary Crum, and Carol Keirn.
Youth Sunday School- Grades 6 – 12, also meets in the Education Building on Sunday mornings from 9:00 – 9:45. Youth Group (United Methodist Youth Fellowship or UMYF) meets in the Parish Hall on Sunday Evenings at 5:30 for dinner and activities. Our Youth Director is Jenn Duthoy.
Safety: All teachers are required to submit to a thorough background check. In addition, all teacher helpers must attend training and regular meetings.