Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Changes in Youth Ministry

Martha Moked is the chairperson of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. On Sunday, she shared the following announcement at the morning services. I asked her if we might repeat this announcement here:

The Staff Parish Relations Committee is pleased to announce that we will be restructuring the Associate Pastor position to include youth and young adults as a major focus beginning June 1st.

Katy Mossburg has served as the Director of Youth Ministries since October 2015. She has provided continuity in this position and led the Sunday evening youth program, as well as, mission trips, retreats, and other activities. With her completion of seminary and appointment to serve as a pastor, she will be leaving us in May. We are grateful for the leadership and care she provided and wish her well.

Pastor Shannon suggested that she would like to take on a greater role with the youth program in the transition of leadership. She worked with Pastor Steve and the SPRC to review her job description and reallocate some of her current responsibilities. Under the new model adopted by the SPRC, she will plan and coordinate the overall youth program and work with other adults, including the Pastor Steve Larsen, Deacon Julie Wilson, and Christy Mossburg, Director of Christian Education, to provide leadership roles that will allow the youth and young adults to have a regular connection with the pastoral staff.  Since Pastor Shannon has been leading the confirmation process and building relationships with the youth, this transition will allow her to continue to foster these relationships.

We’d also like to thank Meg Winter for her time as the Youth Choir Director.  She will be stepping down from this position at the end of May.  Starting in the Fall, Joche will be working with our Sunday School classes on pieces they will perform during some of our services.

We will be working out the details in the coming weeks. I do think this will allow the church to provide priority to the youth and bring in other adults to help with leadership.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Steve