Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

These are crazy times. The news that comes at us can upset us, irritate and frighten us. There are moments when we can appreciate the great kindness of others and the value of community. There are times I have found myself moved to tears about what has been lost already and what may likely lie ahead of us. Right now, it’s mostly an inconvenience we face and the disruption of our usual lives. It will be quite different when we see loved ones getting ill, or we ourselves. It’s perfectly normal to have a wide range of emotions in this crisis, but as the situation unfolds, don’t let your fears get the best of you.

I think we have the opportunity to learn some valuable lessons in this crisis. We might especially learn the value of community. When we have often been pushed apart from one another by party and race, national origin and political views. Now as we are physically separated from one another by social distancing, maybe this is the moment when we can more fully see the value of living together with a shared future.

In Genesis we read that after creation was nearly finished, God stepped back to survey all that had been created. There was the natural world, the animals, the fish and the birds and the first human being. And God concluded that something was missing. “It is not right that the human being should be alone.” So God went to work to create a companion, a helper, a partner so that life for human-kind could always be in relationship and community. And it’s been that way ever since, even though at times the squabbles and feuds among us seem to dominate our sense of togetherness.

So, take time to appreciate the people around you. Make a telephone call or write a note to a friend, a neighbor or a loved one. Make a kind statement to others on social media rather than the more common posts that seem to either be bragging or complaining. Do something that brings you peace or joy or gratitude. Maybe let a family member win at cards or Scrabble for a change.

We can hope and pray together that this time will pass quickly and with a minimal loss of life. In the meantime, I want you to remember, you are loved.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Steve Larsen
We are looking for volunteers

We are hoping to find additional volunteers willing to make 5 telephone calls a week to check in with other members of Calvary Church. If you would be willing to do this, please contact Pastor Steve ( or 301-848-8216.

Ways to stay connected

· FaceBook page. (search for Calvary United Methodist of Frederick, Maryland)

· Daily Devotions from Rev. David Cooney (sent out by email on Monday)

· Prayer conference call (see below)

· YouTube videos (search for Calvary UMC of Frederick, Maryland)

· Online worship each Sunday (Facebook and YouTube)

· Giving by check on online at