Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

On the day before the inauguration of a new president and vice president, I will pass on a prayer provided by our Bishop and the Baltimore Washington Cabinet. (This is found in the weekly e-connection for January 19)

 A weekly prayer for the Baltimore-Washington Conference from the Appointive Cabinet.

A Dreamer’s Prayer

God of dreams and dreamers, God of manifestation and promise:

We come on this day of many mountaintop and valley experiences to declare that you are still God, and we are still grateful.

We pray that the visions and dreams that you have given your people through the generations will stay with us, and before us,

Pulling us into your preferred future:

Visions of peace, unity, freedom, and community;

Dreams of healing, wholeness, and abundant life.

May we this day, and every day, be your instruments of harmony,

Your drum majors of justice whose beats are as steady as your presence, and as persistent as your Word.

May we this moment, and every moment, look hate in the eye and declare that you are love.

By your power, may we in this season and space find you in each other’s eyes even when that light is dimmed by the flesh.

Allow your light to shine in the darkness.

Allow justice to roll down, praises to go up, and love to level the places that we have exalted above you.

May we put our idols to rest and seek only you.

God of dreams and dreamers, have your way in our troubled land so that what is crooked will be made straight, and your glory is revealed as dream fulfilled.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Let us pray for our new President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamela Harris as well as those who make up the 117 Congress. May all those who hold Federal office act in ways that serve the common good. May we all find ways to celebrate all that is good in this country and in one another while also striving to work together to live up to our highest aspirations of liberty and justice for all.


Pastor Steve