Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Planning for the future

Tomorrow will be the day when we are reminded of our mortality as we begin another season of Lent together. I hope you can participate in the virtual worship service (details below) and that you have received the mailing with items to help us mark this season.

I want to take this space to offer some resources to you that can help you and your loved ones in the future. Back in 2018, Pastor Shannon and I offered a sermon series on Christian perspectives on death. During that time, I offered a one-page sheet that lifted up various things that each of us can do to get our affairs in order before death. Where do you keep the important papers, who needs to be contacted, what steps need to be followed and so forth. Having and plan and reviewing it from time to time can be a great gift we give our families after we are gone. I have updated this planning resource for folks to download and use. I have also added a new resource that can help with the planning of a funeral or memorial service. My wife’s family found such a planning guide to be helpful resource when they planned the service for their mother. Others at Calvary Church have suggested that we might have such a planning guide also.

Both of these resources can be found on the church website or by clicking this link: I would be happy to print and mail these resources to anyone who calls the church office and asks for it.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Steve