Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783


This is the high holy days of the Christian year. We recall the events of Jesus last week as he taught, shared a meal with his disciples, demonstrated humble service through the washing of feet. He prayed a lengthy prayer over his followers and instituted the Lord’s Supper. He was arrested and tried by both the religious and the political leaders of the day, humiliated and beaten and then sentence to death on a cross.

We’ve heard the story before, some of us many times. It’s a story of sorrow and defeat that isn’t easy to take in. But only after all these events does it become clear that this is really the story of love. God loves you and I so much that God was willing to suffer and go through all this sorrow and ugliness in order to win us over to the way of love.

I hope you can join in the remembrance of Holy Week. Join us for the online service for Good Friday. Come and share in a time of reflection and prayer in the sanctuary on Friday evening or find time for prayer or reading scripture on your own. Then I look forward to our time of celebration next Sunday. There will be the option to come to the sanctuary for worship at 9 at 11:00 AM. You are invited to come early and share together with others in the Memorial Park before and after each worship service, weather permitting. And the online worship will premiere on YouTube and Facebook at 9 AM.

May God fill us with grace and resurrection life.

Pastor Steve Larsen