Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

One of the things that I’d like us to do as a congregation in 2022 is have a conversation about human sexuality. Here’s why. In the coming year, congregations in The United Methodist Church will very likely be forced to make a decision in the coming year about how open and welcoming they chose to be around the sexual orientation. Those congregations who oppose the ordination of gays and lesbians and same sex marriage might have the option to leave the existing denomination in order to affiliate with the new Global Methodist Church created by the Wesleyan Covenant Association. This will be a schism in the denomination and maybe within our own congregation. Rather than just ignore the issue or wait to see how the winds might blow, I much prefer that we talk among ourselves as friends, as people of faith and as those who share a mutual bond in Jesus Christ.

I recognize that we come from different backgrounds and we have very different lived experience. I don’t expect everyone to agree with each other, even after meaningful conversation. But, I am convinced that the best way we can come to a Biblically informed and morally sound view shaped by Christian principles is by coming together to pray and listen to one another. We can make the choice to be loving rather than be right.

I was excited to have Rev. Vicki Starnes lead a class that would provide a way to consider what the Bible has to say on homosexuality. The plan was to have this course begin later this month. However, it seems like this just isn’t the right time, particularly with the current surge of the pandemic. So, we have decided to hold off on holding the class just now and offer it later in the spring when more people can participate. In the meantime, I hope many of you will buy and read the book that she plans to use. It’s an excellent review of the relevant passages in the Bible and the story of how one pastor changed his views. The book is Unclobber, by Colby Martin (2016) available at, and some copy can be purchased froth church office.

Grace and peace (and stay joyful and safe)

Pastor Steve