Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783





In sermons this month, we have been looking at our Methodist heritage and some ways that it still has meaning for people today. This seems like an opportune time to inform you about some plans for next summer.

I am excited to host a tour to visit the key sites in England that shaped John Wesley and early Methodism. This will be a nine-day tour that includes London, Epworth, Costwolds, Stratford, Bristol, and Bath and Oxford, with an optional extension to Ireland. The trip will leave on July 18, 2023. By visiting these places along with others, those on tour will learn about the movement that brings together heart and head, a concern for the social holiness gospel, along with interest in individual piety.

Traveling can be a rewarding way to build relationships with others and open up new perspectives.  For more information, contact, call the church office at 301-662-1464 or visit the church website at with a link all about this tour.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Steve