Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Mission Sunday coming October 8

Once again, we will have a hands-on mission project in the Parish Hall running on a Sunday morning, 9 AM to noon. On Sunday, October 8, the Parish Hall will be transformed into a Mission Site and we will package 10,000 meals with our partner, Rise Against Hunger.”

You can learn more about this at

You don’t have to go faraway or give up a week of your time to offer your hands and heart to God through serving others.

We are making this easy for everyone. This will be the 4th time we have done this event and the last one was a rewarding and fun event for everyone who took part. There is a job suited for everyone. It requires hands to measure and package different food items. No heavy lifting required, you can sit, and it allows you to get to know others while working. We hope to have folks come and offer about 90 minutes of time anywhere between 9:00 AM and noon that day

-Rev. Steve Larsen