Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

WE CARE. That’s the name of the group that offers a meal after a memorial service or funeral. When a family is in grief and busy with all the things that need to be done after the loss of a loved one, this time for sharing food and memories and being with one another becomes a very important time.


Just last Saturday, a team led by Bonnie Strine and Jane Sowers jumped into action to provide a meal for about a hundred souls following the memorial service for Nancy Crum. Those who has traveled to be at the service could stay  and have their lunch provided. Those who had known and loved the Nancy knew that they could be with others who shared in their loss. Stories could be told, memories exchanged, hugs offered, and care extended. In addition to the formal acts of worship, the church provided a space and time for people to be together in a meaningful and healing way.


During the worst months of the COVID epidemic, it was not possible for the church to offer such meals and times of fellowship. And those families that experienced the death of a loved one had to make do without a time to gather with others. This made the value of these meals even more apparent to me. When we go through times of loss, we need to be with others. And it provides a way for us to begin to move forward through.


I am so very grateful for all the folks who prepare and serve these meals, set up and clean up afterwards and usually on short notice. These folks often work in the background. I want to lift up what they do and commend them for the care that they offer.


Grace and peace,


Steve Larsen