Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Well, we got more snow on Sunday. Even though it interrupts our usual routine, it is beautiful see it covering the trees and blanketing the yards. It gives up a new perspective on what what’s around us.

In case you missed it, I shared some news at the end of the worship service on Sunday. After serving as the lead pastor of this congregation since July 2016, I have decided the time has come for me to start a new chapter. I will be retiring from this church and pastoral ministry at the end of June this year. This comes after much prayer, reflection and conversation with my wife. I have very much appreciated the challenge and the joys that go along with being your pastor. Now the time has come to do other things.

The district superintendent of the Frederick District, the Rev. Eliezer Valentín-Castañón, will meet with the Staff Parish Relations Committee to consider the needs of this congregation. They will be preparing a profile which Bishop LaTrelle Easterling and the rest of the cabinet will use to select a new pastor for the church beginning July 1. Calvary UMC has gone through many pastoral changes over its long history. There have been many talented and faithful pastors who have served here, each bringing their own gifts and personality. If you ever have seen the banner hanging outside the fellowship hall, you can see a tree with many leaves, each representing a different pastor and their years they served. I am just one more leaf on the tree.

I will certainly be making the most of the next few months. There is work and ministry do and much to celebrate. I look forward to it all. Now and then, you just might notice me smiling a little more than usual as I take in and treasure each of you and what we have shared together.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Steve