Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

In just three weeks of a new administration, there has been a storm of executive orders, presidential pardons, terminations, and deportations. There has been a constant barrage of actions that have disrupted careers and threatened work done for generations. Longstanding norms have been cast aside, court rulings ignored, and laws broken. In the midst of the current political turmoil and disruption, here are a few things we all can do to keep from feeling overwhelmed:


Take a breath. Look around. Take in what is good and healthy and meaningful.


Stay informed but don’t spend too much time or energy scrolling on the phone or dwelling on news that frightens or pulls you down. Strive for balance.


Each day, do something to bring more peace and life to you, your relationships, and the larger world. It’s okay if it is something small. Little things add up.


Recognize what you’re feeling. Refocus. Don’t let the emotion take you over. You always have a choice about what you do with your feelings, even the negative ones.


Find those things that make life rich and wonderful. Look for places where beauty is present.  Give thanks for all the good that is your life.


Take a walk. Pet the dog. Take a hot shower. Do some yoga. Spend time doing those things that can help you find comfort and a sense of peace.


Pray. Read the Bible. So often, when we feel overwhelmed, we fail to take what is bothering us to God. Remember the lines from a familiar hymn

“O, what peace we often forfeit,

O what needless pain we bear,

all because we do not carry

everything to God in prayer.”


We may have more discomfort and distress ahead of us, but we can find ways to help one another and see how God can offer us help.


Grace and peace,


Pastor Steve