Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

The connectional system and Mission Shares (formerly known as conference apportionments) are two of the defining traits of United Methodism. They allow local churches to reach beyond their walls and be in ministry in significant ways in their backyards and across the globe. Together, United Methodists do remarkable ministry around the world. We care for survivors recovering from earthquakes and storms; we invest, long term, in vulnerable communities; we implement the most effective solutions to diseases like malaria; we equip the next generation to lead the church and society. In all of this, we share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Each year every United Methodist congregation is given a mission share goal based on a portion of their operating costs in a previous year. Calvary UMC had always paid its mission share in full each year until 2020. The closing of the church on many Sundays that year and the drop off in income, our congregation was only able to pay about half of the mission share goal. This was not at all uncommon among churches. Since that time, this congregation has been working to get back to 100% payment. Last year, the church paid 2/3 of the mission share goal of 82,247. The District Superintendent and the Conference Treasurer has entered into an agreement that would have Calvary UMC pay 75% of its mission share goal in 2025 and then return to full payment in 2026.


About 11 cents of every dollar put in the local church collection plate goes to pay mission shares to support the United Methodist Church denomination and the Baltimore Washington Conference.


When we take vows to become members of The United Methodist Church, we promise faithfully to participate in its ministries through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. By paying our Mission Shares at 100 percent we become a part of something bigger than ourselves and accomplish wonderful things in Jesus’ name.


Pastor Steve