Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

What a shock it’s been for us. Just a month ago we were hearing stories about coronavirus spreading in China. A little over two weeks ago, we were learning about the importance of washing our hands regularly for twenty seconds or more. Then there came the rush to the grocery stores for toilet paper and hand sanitizer and whatever food we could put in our freezers. We heard about “social distancing” just before the schools were shut down, travel was severely restricted and public gatherings were cancelled. Now every few hours we are getting more news and most of it is unsettling, if not disturbing.

In a time like this, I want to gather with others who are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. I would much prefer to offer a handshake to an elbow bump, an embrace rather than a six-foot plus area of space around me. I miss coming together to worship and praise God. But, of course, the best thing to do is to hunker down at home to reduce the spread of the virus and find other ways to connect.

We don’t know just what might be ahead for us, both here in the U.S. and in other parts of the world. It’s mostly been a matter of inconvenience and disruption of our daily life so far. (Try not to thinks about the stock market or possible recession yet). Things will feel much different when loved ones and friends or even we ourselves are the ones getting sick. Let’s hope that never happens.

As for what we can do now, we can check in with one another by telephone and social media. We can spend time doing the things we usually never get around to doing that bring us joy and a sense of accomplishment. And we can find ways to lift up one another in prayer. We can especially pray for our state and national leaders, for all who work in public health, and for those who work in hospitals and clinics, doctor’s offices and labs. We can find ways to show love and compassion when such things are most in need.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Steve Larsen

Be watching the church website, your email and Facebook to see things that we will be putting out to encourage you and help you while we go through this time. We will be putting out a video on the Lenten study on Wednesday, a livestream worship service on Sunday morning at 9:00 am and more items along the way.