Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

I am briefly pausing my series on the fruit of the spirit here this week in order to talk a bit about “Brave Space.”

I was familiar with the idea of “safe space” which is an environment in which people are free to speak and listen without fear of discrimination, criticism, harassment or any emotional or physical harm.  But I never heard of “Brave Space” until just recently. Brave space is different than safe space in that in a brave space, individuals show the courage and bravery to speak as well as listen about the issues that matter while also recognizing that they need to allow others to also be brave enough to speak or listen as they chose. That is harder to establish than “safe space,” but when it is achieved, is much more satisfying and empowering. Brave space opens up a group called “The People’s Supper.” These conversations were structured around the idea of “brave space.” Each session included a reading of a poem called “An Invitation to Brave Space” which I have included below. The poem spells what it looks like to offer brave space to each other. It sounds a lot like what Paul was writing about in Ephesians 4:15 when he said, “…speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.”

Peace be with you,

Pastor Steve