Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

The disciples came to Jesus with a request: Lord, teach us how to pray.  Jesus responded with what we’ve come to know as “The Lord’s Prayer”. I learned the words as a young child, and they’ve been with me ever since. I have used this prayer in my daily private prayer, as well as in weddings and funerals, at the bedside of the sick, and when we gather for worship at the church. It takes only a minute to say the words aloud, but the words give a shape and pattern for how we can talk with God and open our hearts to worship the Lord.


Jesus provided specific and clear instructions on how to pray. The prayer provides was for us to consider the past, be fully present in the current day and look ahead with hope for the future. The prayer combines concern for both the needs of those who follow Jesus as well as God’s plans for the world. The prayer reminds us that we are always part of a community of believers even when we are alone and we always share a connection with our creator. Although the words are familiar, the words are saturated with meaning.


William Barclay, the popular author, and interpreter of the New Testament wrote that Jesus gave us in the Lord’s Prayer, “not only a prayer to repeat in itself but a prayer to b for us that pattern of all our prayers.”


Starting this Sunday, I will be looking at the Lord’s Prayer in a series of sermons.  As we look at these familiar words together, I hope we can discover some fresh ways that Jesus’ instructions can unlock the riches of prayer for us today. The Lord’s Prayer offers a wonderful pathway for us to grow in our faith.  I hope you can join us in worship in the sanctuary or on Facebook over the next few weeks as we go through this series.


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Steve