Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

This year I am an astronaut. Last year a train conductor. Over the past few years, I have been a mad scientist, a surfer, a safari guide, Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid (from the Harry Potter books), and a deserted island castaway. When Vacation Bible School comes around, I am happy to participate and do something that will engage the children.


It’s great to have preschool and elementary-aged children come to the church for fun, games, snacks, and songs and to learn that God loves them. We have been very fortunate to have Amy Stone working this year to carry on the tradition set by Christy Mossburg for many years. And we have had many adults and teenagers step forward to lead a crew, lead a station, donate materials, help out with decorating or preparing snacks. It takes a LOT of people to make this week work, and to everyone who offered their time –THANK YOU!!!


The number keeps changing, but as of today, we have 82+ children involved in the VBS program this year. That’s far more than the number of children enrolled in our Sunday School. Some are families with students in the Calvary Weekday School, but others have come this week without having a prior connection to this congregation. This makes the week an outreach and mission to the larger community.


We will have time in the worship service this Sunday to lift up this ministry and share some of what is taking place each morning. Keep your prayers coming; we can use the energy and the support.


And, in case you’re wondering, I will be back to old “Pastor Steve” on Sunday morning, without any wild costume or secret identity!


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Steve (aka “Mikey Wey”)