Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Each year, every United Methodist congregation is asked to complete a statistical report. The report includes financial numbers, such as income and the amount spent on the program, staffing, and operating costs for the year. The report also includes statistics regarding the number of members, members entering and leaving the congregation, baptisms, and worship attendance. Of course, the church is much more than numbers, but the numbers tell a story about who we are and what we are doing.


Here is a summary of some of the reports: At the end of 2023, Calvary United Methodist Church had 693 full members. Weekly worship attendance for the year was 125. During the year, we had 88 persons involved in Sunday School or some other Christian formation group. We had eight groups working in outreach and mission work, and the congregation served approximately 2400 people in various ways. Our membership the year before was 709, and worship attendance and other measures were very close to what we saw in 2023. In 2024, we had 4 infants and one adult baptism; six persons joined the church through a profession of faith or restoration of faith, which means that these persons were not active in another church before coming to Calvary. Thirteen others transferred their membership from another church into the congregation. These gains were offset by the death of sixteen of our members, four transfers out, and the removal of 15 persons who were no longer active.


It is good to see the impact that this congregation continues to have. And 2024 will be a time in which God will be moving, and the Holy Spirit can guide us into greater faithfulness.


Grace and peace,


Pastor Steve