Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

With skillful and loving hands, the new instrument is being installed. This is a work of many years of planning, prayer, giving and construction. The organ will provide us with music to inspire, to call us to prayer, to lift our spirits and to connect us with the great choir of people on earth and all the company of heaven as we praise the Lord and join in the unending hymn: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might.

The casework on either side matches the wooden reredos screen behind the altar. The pipes installed this week are a combination of materials from the previous organ and new custom-made pieces designed and built for the new organ. It will take several weeks to have the full organ up and usable, but the process is well underway. We are seeing something put in place that will be living legacy for generations to come. And, soon enough, we will be able to enjoy the full range that the organ will offer.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Steve