Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

The Staff Parish Relations Committee wishes to announce that the church seeks someone to serve as Financial Secretary. The Financial Secretary is responsible for handling, recording, and reporting financial contributions and other sources of income received by the church through the policies and procedures adopted by the Finance Ministry.  This involves counting weekly offerings, making deposits to the bank, and providing quarterly contribution statements to all donors. This is a paid part-time position.


Bob Jacobs has served as the financial secretary for many years. He is wanting to give this responsibility over to someone else and is willing to help with the transition.  All of us can be grateful for the care he has given this work. I am glad that he has agreed to continue to carry on with many of the other tasks he does at Calvary even though he has expressed the desire to step back from the role of financial secretary.


For more information about the position, including hours, a position description, and a compensation package, contact the chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee, Beth Strakonsky, at or myself at or call the church office at 301-848-8216.  If you have any suggestions about persons who might be interested, we would love to hear them.


Grace and peace,


Rev. Steve Larsen