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Last week, the United Methodist Church held the postponed 2020 General Conference. Historic changes unfolded at this meeting that impacted the denomination in the U.S. and overseas. After decades of division over matters of human sexuality, many congregations chose to leave the United Methodist Church. Now, the important work of moving forward into a new day begins for all of us.

There were three major decisions that were reached by a large majority at the General Conference:

  1. While we remained united by our shared history and theology, each region of the denomination around the world can make decisions that fit its own context.
  2. Social Principles. The General Conference supported a revision of the teaching of the church regarding ethics and social issues, which included the removal of the phrase “the practice of homosexuality…is incompatible with Christian teaching.”
  3. Removal of the ban on gay clergy. No longer is there a ban on the ordination of “self-avowed practicing homosexuals.” And clergy or churches are not to penalize clergy or churches for holding—or refraining from holding—same sex weddings. Churches and clergy can make a decision about what weddings are without any consequences from the denomination.

The following resources and information are shared to help you explore what Bishop LaTrelle Easterling is calling “this brand new day.” We will share what this means to the Calvary United Methodist congregation in the coming weeks and years.

Discover Key Outcomes of this Historic General Conference

Video overview: Experience the General Conference and share it with others

Talk to your congregation about the mission and ministry of The UMC

Bright Hope for Tomorrow: Bishops’ message after General Conference


Summary of Key Decisions.


Grace and peace,


Pastor Steve Larsen