Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

I suppose if you listened carefully on the right day in September, you might hear all the pastors who serve United Methodist congregation across the country make the same sound. It might be sound like a groan, a heavy sign, or bit of a whimper. It would probably never be mistaken for a shout of “Alleluia” or “Praise the Lord!”


What, you may ask, prompts the making of this sound and why would it happen in September? The sound comes when a pastor begins the work of preparing the annual charge conference that happens every fall. This means the end of summer fun and the work of organizing, completing forms, holding meetings and completing administration chores is underway. This isn’t all bad, mind you. But it can seem at times like a tall mountain to climb.


Pastors do this work as part of caring for the order of the church’s life. The recruiting of new leaders, reviewing the state of the buildings, assessing the list of members and looking to the future needs in the community are all important considerations. It means that the church is continuing to take stock of its health and fitness, its relevance and its mission.


Our Church Conference will take place toward the end of October. Over the coming weeks, I will be working to get us all ready for the presentation of reports and completion of forms that are asked of us. It happens more or less in the background, but it is still important work. It might not spark an “Amen” at first, it does keep us moving towards the faithful and vital ministry God is calling us to do here together.


Thanks be to God.


Pastor Steve