The General Conference of the United Methodist Church met in the Spring of 2024, and many significant decisions were made. Up until this time, the official position of the denomination was that the practice of homosexuality was “incompatible with Christian teaching.” The General Conference had a longstanding prohibition on the ordination of non-celibate homosexuals as well as the celebration of same-sex marriages performed by clergy or conducted on United Methodist Church property. However, when the General Conference met last year, all restrictions were removed, and the language about the practice of homosexuality was stricken.
There were some churches and many United Methodist individuals who felt that they could no longer be a part of The United Methodist Church if the old language and policies were taken away. Disaffiliation and withdrawals followed. But today, there still remains a vibrant and large denomination that has reached across the U.S. and around the world, and Calvary UMC is very much a part of that. After many years, the stigma and pain that many felt from the denomination’s position has been removed.
The time has come for Calvary United Methodist Church to be clear about its own identity and sense of mission. The time is right to consider becoming an open and affirming congregation that explicitly offers welcome to LGBTQ + persons and fully includes them in the life of the congregation.
A group within the church has been organized to lead us through a process of prayer, discussion, learning, and discernment. Following a process that has been used in many other congregations, this group will be setting up listening sessions and presentations and promoting conversations leading to a congregation-wide vote. This group has my support and approval from the Church Council to proceed. The hope is that everyone who has a connection to this congregation will be able to take part in the process and share in the decisions we make. This is a matter that calls for all of us to work together to discern where God is leading us.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Steve