Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastor’s Ponderings

Pastors Pondering

      This week I will be participating 239th session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. This will run from Wednesday through Saturday at the Inner Harbor Hilton Hotel in Baltimore.  The theme of the conference, presided over by Bishop LaTrelle...

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Pastors Pondering

It’s been my honor to participate in two different classes at the Frederick School of Religion this spring. One of the classes has been an introduction to Celtic spirituality taught by Dr. Ray Moreland.   I learned that Celtic spirituality was born in the 4th...

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Pastors Pondering

In February 2019, the United Methodist Church held a special session of the General Conference to address the matter of same-sex marriage and the ordination of homosexual persons. At that General Conference, a motion was passed that allowed individual congregations...

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Pastors Pondering

Today we are heartbroken that another act of senseless violence has brought mourning and devastation to the people of Dallas/Fort Worth and our nation. We grieve with the families of the shooting victims whose lives will never fully return to normal and pray for a...

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Pastors Pondering

Some of you have heard the story, but it is still great. Not so long ago, someone was parked in front of Calvary United Methodist Church on a Sunday morning. At around 11:15 or so, people were coming out of the church building after worship and time in the parish...

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Pastors Pondering

This Sunday, we will include in the worship service an affirmation of faith known as the World Methodist Social Affirmation. This is found in The United Methodist Hymnal (#886). Here’s the background on it: “This affirmation was adopted by the World Methodist Council...

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Pastors Pondering

In worship last Sunday, we said together the Apostle’s Creed. Between now and the Day of Pentecost on May 28, different creeds or affirmations of faith will be included in each Sunday service. Some churches do every week, but I tend to include this in the worship...

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Pastors Pondering

Give the Gift of Life on Wednesday, May 10th. Calvary UMC is hosting our annual Spring Blood Drive for the American Red Cross on Wednesday, May 10th from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the church's Fellowship Hall. Just a little over 15 years ago, Eric Anderson took over...

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Pastor Pondering

We are now in Holy Week, that period of seven days that begins with Palm/Passion Sunday and ends with the break of day on Easter Sunday. This is a time in which we recall the last days of Jesus life and we are incorporated once again into the central mystery of...

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Pastors Pondering

Last fall, I asked members of the Church Council to participate in a very unscientific survey. I provided a long list of values. Then I asked these people which values on the list best describe how they experience this congregation and which do not.  I received eleven...

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