Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

In many parts of the world, December 6 is the feast day of Saint Nicholas of Myra. It is celebrated as a Christian festival with particular regard to Saint Nicholas’ reputation as a bringer of gifts, as well as through the attendance of church services. In the Netherlands and Belgium children put out a shoe filled with hay and a carrot for Saint Nicholas’ horse. On Saint Nicholas Day, gifts are tagged with personal humorous rhymes written by the sender. In the United States, one custom associated with Saint Nicholas Day is children leaving their shoes in the foyer on Saint Nicholas Eve in hope that Saint Nicholas will place some coins on the soles.

As we make our way through Advent, I am reading a book by Richard Rohr called The Universal Christ. Drawing on the prologue to the Gospel of John (John 1:1-18), Rohr talks about how Christ as the Word of God. “All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being.” We know Christ through the person of Jesus, but the fullness of Christ is present in all of creation and is at work within each of us. If we look with eyes of faith, we don’t have to go looking very far to see God at work in our world. God is with us in the failing rain that refreshes the earth, in the warmth of a hug or smiling face, in the holiday cards we receive from loved ones and friends, and in the memories we share with each other. God doesn’t wait around until December 25 in order to show up. God is with us now. We just have to learn to focus.


So, whether you find treats hiding in your shoes today or not, may you find joy and hope and love that will lift your heart and spirits.


Grace and peace,


Pastor Steve