Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Tomorrow, we begin the season of Lent.


Lent begins with the reminder that we are fragile and our time here on earth is limited. At the other end of the season of Lent, we encounter the news of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Along the way we are called to take up the way of self-denial, sacrifice and service to others.


The season of Lent offers us a chance to discover the mystery of Christ within us. It can be gentle, but also a demanding time. It is a time when we are to reflect upon our lives and listen more closely for the voice that lies behind all the other voices that clamor for our attention.


People often decide to “give something up for Lent”. That’s a practice that can help us be more spiritually focused through personal sacrifice. I think an even better practice is to take on something new for the season that will help your faith to grow. It might be reading a portion of the Bible each morning using a devotional booklet like The Upper Room. It might be taking part in the Lenten Study on Wednesday evenings.  It might be donating to items the food bank (see the wheelbarrow in the church) or writing a check for earthquake relief. It might be writing notes to some friends that you wish to connect with. It might be taking a walk each evening. Be creative. I hope all of us will find something that makes this season more rewarding and something that lets God get close.


See you in church.


Pastor Steve