Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? A disciple is a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ is to set out on the path to follow Jesus and become more and more like him, especially regarding how we relate to God and one another.


We learn what it means to follow Jesus Christ by being in a community with other disciples. There are at least five pathways that have repeatedly been found to be helpful in the process of Christian discipleship.  Each pathway can enable persons to feel closer to God in Christ. They are:

Worship and prayer               Serving God and Serving Others

Learning and studying            Generosity and Giving

Sharing faith


Our current worship series focuses on these different pathways. This Sunday, we take up “Serving God and Serving Others.”


Many people might argue that a person is most like Jesus when he or she preaches as Jesus preached, teaches as Jesus taught, heals as Jesus healed, or performs miracles as Jesus performed miracles. This makes sense if we look at what Jesus did outwardly. But if we look a little deeper to see the motivations behind what Jesus did, we see the motivation underneath the action. Jesus’ motivation was always to point to the kingdom of God.


God has called each of us to serve other people. When we serve others, we bring praise and honor to God’s name. We bring our motivations in line with Jesus’s and grow to be more like him.


Acts of kindness and service not only help others; they also help us to be more faithful. They are a pathway that leads to life in Jesus Christ. Here are two questions: What can I do today that shows care and consideration to someone I know or meet? And if someone were watching you this week, would they know you are a Christian by what they see you do?


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Steve