Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

I suppose if you listened carefully on the right day in September, you might hear all the pastors who serve United Methodist congregation across the country make the same sound. It might be sound like a groan, a heavy sign, or bit of a whimper. It would probably never...

Pastors Pondering

I had coffee with an acquaintance last week. We were both interested in learning more about each other. It turns out we had overlapped a bit at the same high school years ago and had some friends in common.   It was a good conversation. We didn’t talk about what...

Pastors Pondering

Today we held a memorial service for Eleanor Bowersox, a longtime member of Calvary United Methodist Church. We heard remembrances of her life, and we were reminded once again of God’s steadfast love that is available not only in this life but in the life that is to...

Pastors Pondering

Here is a prayer that was written by a friend and colleague, Rev. Ginger Gaines Cirelli, the Lead Pastor of Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, DC. God who is beyond politics and nations, Christ who transcends the power of violence, Holy Spirit who animates...