Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

Each year, every United Methodist Church across the county completes a statistical report that provides a measurement of various aspects of the congregation’s life and ministry. The pastor or some other officer in the church records the square footage of the church...

Pastors Pondering

 “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 King James Version)   This month, we have celebrated the lives of several in our congregation who have died: Joyce Dixon, Kern Thornton, Ramona Yanike, Ron Dudley, and Bobbie...

Pastors Pondering

Well, we got more snow on Sunday. Even though it interrupts our usual routine, it is beautiful see it covering the trees and blanketing the yards. It gives up a new perspective on what what’s around us. In case you missed it, I shared some news at the end of the...

Pastors Pondering

The General Conference of the United Methodist Church met in the Spring of 2024, and many significant decisions were made. Up until this time, the official position of the denomination was that the practice of homosexuality was “incompatible with Christian teaching.” ...