There is a group within the church that has been looking into how we think of ourselves as a congregation and how we present ourselves to the community around us. In particular, this group is looking into ways that we might offer a welcoming and loving space for everyone, including LGBTI persons. The group leading this process of prayer, conversation, and study is called the Reconciling Ministry Team, and it has been approved by the Church Council.
The Reconciling Ministry team wants to hear from everyone who cares about this church. The team has prepared a survey to gauge how people feel about two particular matters, namely the use of the building and the adoption of a statement that would guide our overall mission and ministry. The team would like to hear your comments, questions, and concerns you may have about these two matters. The survey is short and easy to complete. It will be handed out along with the bulletin at the worship service this morning, and an electronic version can be found here. The hope is that these can be completed and turned in on Sunday or by March 9. And then these surveys will let the Reconciling Ministry Team know where the congregation is on these two matters and how best to proceed with their work.
Your opinion matters. This is intended to be an open and transparent process that takes into account a variety of views. Your responses can remain anonymous if you prefer. Here is your chance to let your thoughts be known and for you to be part of our decision together.
Please click the link Reconciling-Ministry-Survey.docx to view the Reconciling Ministry Team survey.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Steve