Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Christmas time is full of stories.

  • Remember the time that we piled into the station wagon and drove to Grandma and grandpa’s house in the snowstorm?
  • How about that time when Dad picked out the Christmas tree that wouldn’t fit in the living room?
  • Remember the time when we came back from the Christmas Eve service at the church and found that the dog had gotten into the Christmas cookies?


We all have stories to tell of funny things that happened, wonderful times spent with the people we love, and a surprise that exceeded our expectations.  There are also the stories of moments we regret, disappointment, and sorrow. The stories we tell keep the experiences of the past alive within and among us.


Alongside the family and personal stories we carry, we also have the story of what God has done in the past and continues to do today.  We recall the story of the angel’s announcement to Mary that she would conceive and carry a child who would be called holy, the son of God, who would bring peace and joy and hope and life to all the world. We hear that this child born in Bethlehem would bring great joy to all people. The angels spoke of him as the Messiah, Christ the Lord. We hear the message delivered to the shepherds on the hillside and to the Magi or Wisemen far to the east.


One of the wonders of Christmas is that God steps into our human stories. God doesn’t remain far away and unapproachable. Christmas tells us that God shows up in our world to meet us where we are and to know this life that we live. Our stories intersect with God’s story, and that makes all the difference.


So, as you go through the next two weeks, take a moment here and there to pause.  Take a breath. Consider the ways that your life becomes a place where God steps in and your story and God’s story overlap.  That is where you will find something to grab and hold on to for many days to come.


Grace and peace,


Pastor Steve