Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastor Pondering

Tomorrow, we begin the season of Lent.   Lent begins with the reminder that we are fragile and our time here on earth is limited. At the other end of the season of Lent, we encounter the news of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Along...

Pastors Pondering

The United Methodist Committee on Relief is working with the International Blue Crescent to provide tents, heaters, blankets, warm clothes, ready-to-eat meals, and first aid kits to those displaced by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, which killed more than 32,000...

Pastors Pondering

We are all missionaries. Yeah, I know that word doesn’t seem right, but it’s true! All of us are called to be his hands and feet, to share his heart and his hope with others. We are called to love our neighbor and to offer service to each other in Jesus’ name. We can...

Pastors Pondering

Some of the best experiences in life happen with other people. That’s certainly one of the ways we grow in our walk with Christ. We grow by being in conversations with others, listening deeply, and putting our questions, experiences, and insights into worlds.  ...

Pastor Ponderings

When you go to a party or share dinner with a friend, you go with the expectation that you will meet with the host and spend some time with them. Perhaps there may be a group of friends or neighbors that will be present also, people that share some connection with the...

Pastors Pondering

When the people called “Methodists” were first came into being in the mid-18th century, it became necessary for property to be purchased for ministry and meetings. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had several lawyers work on language that made it clear that...