Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

For many years, Calvary Church has sent groups to various places on mission and service projects. Groups have gone to do repair work after hurricanes and floods and done work to build or repair homes, schools, and retreat centers. Some of these projects have been here...

Pastors Pondering

I heard an interview on a podcast this morning. Tom Long was being asked about a book he wrote about Christian funerals. It got me thinking about what makes a good funeral. Here are a few of my thoughts.   A good funeral needs to lift the life of the person who...

Pastor Pondering

One of the practices that Calvary Church followed for many years was a time for blessing those who had a birthday. At the end of the closing hymn on the final Sunday of the month, those who had a birthday sometime that month were invited to come forward to the front...

Pastor Pondering

Calvary United Methodist Church offers a Bible Study for all ages on five Wednesday evenings during the Lenten season starting March 1. This will be an excellent time for sharing and fellowship. We start at 6:00 pm with a meal and finish by 7:30 pm. Each Wednesday, we...

Pastor Pondering

Tomorrow, we begin the season of Lent.   Lent begins with the reminder that we are fragile and our time here on earth is limited. At the other end of the season of Lent, we encounter the news of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Along...

Pastors Pondering

The United Methodist Committee on Relief is working with the International Blue Crescent to provide tents, heaters, blankets, warm clothes, ready-to-eat meals, and first aid kits to those displaced by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, which killed more than 32,000...