Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

Faith often grows as we read the Bible along with others. The Bible is the record of God’s actions and words to humanity over time. It does point to God’s purpose and nature.  It is in the reading and studying the Bible together that we come to know just who God is...

Pastors Pondering

Easter is kind of a big deal. It is at the heart of the Christian faith. The Apostle Paul writes, “if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain….If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are...

Pastors Pondering

Maundy (Holy) Thursday (April 14) Worship at 7 PM in the sanctuary Good Friday (April 15) from noon to 1 pm. Organ music and reflection/prayer in the sanctuary Easter Sunday (April 17) 9 AM and 11 Am worship in the sanctuary

Pastor Pondering

We can grow in our walk with Jesus Christ through WORSHIP and PRAYER. When we worship God, we are opening ourselves that we might encounter the living God. As we offer thanks, give God praise, sing, and listen we are sharing with others in actions that open our hearts...

Pastor Pondering

Serving God through Serving Others   Many people might argue that a person is most like Jesus when he or she preach as Jesus preached, teach as Jesus taught, heal as Jesus healed, or perform miracles just as Jesus performed miracles. This makes sense if we look...

Pastor Pondering

Children going without a proper bed to sleep on real problem in this country. Sleep in Heavenly Peace is a nonprofit organization that is aimed at solving that problem by providing well-built twin beds free of charge to families in need with children ages 4-17...