Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

I want to share some news with you about some of my “extra-curricular activities.” In addition to serving as your pastor, I have taken on a new responsibility that I wanted to tell you about.   The Rev. Lucy Hogan was a guest preacher here at Calvary Church last...

Pastor’s Pondering

        One of the things that is disrupted during this pandemic is worshipping together with others in the same room. Something happens when we pray and sing and praise God together with other people in close proximity that is different when we do...

Pastors Pondering

Here is an update on our search for a new Director of Music and Organist. Meg Winter, Joyce Summer and I are conducting the search on behalf the Staff Parish Relations Committee. In the fall, we advertised the position on the American Guild of Organists website that...

Pastors Pondering

One of the things that I’d like us to do as a congregation in 2022 is have a conversation about human sexuality. Here’s why. In the coming year, congregations in The United Methodist Church will very likely be forced to make a decision in the coming year about how...

Pastors Pondering

Have you ever stopped to wonder why it is that we read the Bible? Scripture doesn’t tell us how to make decisions or how to make a living. It won’t help you find a parking place or tell you who will win a football game. And yet, we read the Bible with the expectation,...