Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastor Ponderings

This is usually challenging time for all of us. I find myself wishing that I could do more to help, but I really don’t know what I can do. Some of you have been busy making masks or other personal protective equipment, but I don’t know how to sew. I want to help local...

Pastor Ponderings

It’s been a month since Governor Hogan shut down the public schools and asked all of us to stay at home as much as possible. It’s also the time after Easter. Even though this was not a normal Easter for any of us, it was still something we looked forward to with...

Pastors Pondering

When I was ten, eleven and twelve years old, a highlight of my summer was going to camp. I would go to a music camp for a week and then a week at scout camp. Between making friends, working on merit badges, swimming in a pool and playing the trumpet, each week was...

Pastors Pondering

These are crazy times. The news that comes at us can upset us, irritate and frighten us. There are moments when we can appreciate the great kindness of others and the value of community. There are times I have found myself moved to tears about what has been lost...

Pastors Pondering

What a shock it’s been for us. Just a month ago we were hearing stories about coronavirus spreading in China. A little over two weeks ago, we were learning about the importance of washing our hands regularly for twenty seconds or more. Then there came the rush to the...

Pastor’s Pondering

There is a lot of news and worry swirling around these days about the coronavirus/covid-19. We are all concerned and want to be vigilant and responsible about this public health threat. For now, there is no reason or public help guidance for us not to gather as a...