Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastor Pondering, May 15

Pastor Ponderings  At the last General Conference, held in 2016, the United Methodist Church as a whole was headed towards a messy division over the matter of human sexuality. The General Conference was deeply divided over how to respond to inclusion of LGTBQ persons...
Pastor’s Pondering May 1

Pastor’s Pondering May 1

The Cyprus Friendship Program (CFP) is an all-volunteer, people-to-people, program focused on developing trust and understanding through relationships between Turkish and Greek-speaking residents of Cyprus.  In a land deeply divided by politics and culture, CFP works...
Pastors Pondering Jan 23

Pastors Pondering Jan 23

Pastor Ponderings The Trustees have started a renovation project on the ladies’ restroom on the main level.  The pick tile and flowered wallpaper have been removed and permanently retired.  After the dust settles and the caulk dries, there will be a new, fresh...
Pastor’s Pondering January 17

Pastor’s Pondering January 17

January 17 For a long time, one of the items on my bucket list was to run a marathon. A buddy from high school days was a lifelong runner. Bruce was always lean and exercised regularly. I figured that if I was ever going to run a marathon, I would need to transform...
Pastor Pondering January 9

Pastor Pondering January 9

Pastor Pondering~ January 9 This week we start a new sermon Series at Calvary called “Pathways to Discipleship.”  God invites to come to Christ and grow to maturity in Christ.  The Apostle Paul writes to the believers, In light of all this, here’s...
Pastor’s Pondering May 1

Pastor’s Ponderings Jan. 2 2018

January 2, 2018 “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old.  I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.  (Isaiah 43:18-19) As we begin a new year,...