Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

So, we made it nearly to the end of 2022 and are about to welcome 2023. I hope and prayer that the coming year will be a time of peace and joy, health and prosperity to all. May it be a time in which we grow in our walk with Jesus Christ and live out our faith with...

Pastors Pondering

  What do you mean we have church services on Christmas Day!     Yes, friends, this is one of those years when December 25 falls on a Sunday. When many families are rising to open presents and stockings, your pastor and music director will be at the...

Pastors Pondering

Happy St. Nicholas Day! In many parts of the world, December 6 is the feast day of Saint Nicholas of Myra. It is celebrated as a Christian festival with particular regard to Saint Nicholas’ reputation as a bringer of gifts, as well as through the attendance...

Pastors Pondering

What qualities do you value most? What values do we share as a congregation? And what values do we hope to see more of in our life together? Identifying our values as individuals and as an organization helps us know who we are and where we are headed. Values shape our...

Pastors Pondering

The children sang last Sunday morning at the beginning of the worship service. It was wonderful to see and hear them. The song they sang has stayed with me this week, especially as we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday.   “Count your Blessings” by Johnson...

Pastors Pondering

I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather we’ve been having. The colors of the leaves and clouds and sky are dazzling to see. Even though the leaves need to be raked and cleared away, the world is full of brilliant colors that take the breath away.   I remember...