Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

Last week, the Baltimore Washington Conference held its annual meeting. This is the opportunity for pastors, staff and laypersons representing 603 United Methodist congregations across Maryland, the District of Columbia and a sliver of West Virginia gather for...

Pastors Pondering

Some of you may have seen or shared a post that was on Facebook over the weekend. I am not sure who originally wrote the words, but I saw Bishop David Epps’s name attached. I will offer the words here:   “As church attendance numbers fade across the nation on...

Pastors Pondering

I am so pleased that the Calvary Weekday School is up and running once again! It is wonderful to hear and see the children lining up in the parking lot, running and playing on the playground  and learning and making friends in the classrooms. All last school year, the...

Pastors Pondering

Mention the word “stewardship” to the average person, and the first thing that comes to mind is money. Somehow, most Christians equate “stewardship” with money or with giving to the church. But its more than that.   Certainly, money is an important part of what...

Pastors Pondering

This week, as I am digging deeper into the Book of Job, I am learning more about lament.  That is one way to respond to difficulties and troubles that come our way.   All of us are used to grumbling, to complaining, to protest. We grumble about the traffic, we...

Pastors Pondering

We are hoping to begin to provide one worship service experience that will be available both in the sanctuary in person as well as online through YouTube and Facebook. Since March of 2020, Pastor Shannon and I produced, recorded, and uploaded over 67 worship services...