Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

Last Sunday, I talked about how we might find more room in our schedule for those things that are fulfilling. We are all busy, but it often feels like there should be more to life than just busy-ness. Although I didn’t get to touch on it in the sermon, we heard Exodus...

Pastor Pondering

I heard a presentation just this morning about a county-wide effort called “Frederick County Goes PURPLE” to address the opioid epidemic in Frederick County. There is not a family or circle of friends that have not been touched in some way by this crisis. We can feel...

Pastor Pondering

Its begun! Last Sunday we launched the “Renew and Rejoice Campaign” with a kick-off event in the Fellowship Hall. On Monday morning we went live with a new website page about the campaign and a special video about what the campaign is all about. Take a look at it....

Pastor Pondering

I am glad to be back from a terrific vacation with my family. We went to the Bay Area of California for a week and then a week in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Montana. I am glad to be back in Frederick and with the Calvary community once again, even if the...

Pastor Ponderings

While it may be one of the saddest images you’ve seen on social media, the results are a happy one. Back in June, I came across this picture and the story of Moose the dog. He is sitting beside his owner’s empty hospital bed. His owner had recently passed away...

Pastor Ponderings

Youth Mission Trip update We had a great week together July 15-19.  The 12 youth and 6 adults that went to Pittsburgh spent five days in the heat to bring a bit of love to others in the name and spirit of Jesus.  We got to work on three different homes, doing work to...