Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastor Ponderings

Sometimes there really are no words.  There are no words to explain.  There are no words to lessen the pain.  There are no words to make things better.  Instead, the most appropriate response is to tear. When the Pennsylvania Grand Jury reported its findings on child...

Pastor Pondering

We are in the midst of Vacation Bible School this week. This time around we is learning that “Jesus rescues.” When we feel lonely, when we are worried, when we struggle, when we have done wrong and when we are powerless, Jesus rescues. It’s a great message that gets...

Pastor Ponderings

June 11 On Sunday, Rev. Shannon and I completed our sermon series on peacemaking.  Here is the gist of what I shared on Sunday.  It includes an observation, four signs that we are slipping into dangerous conflict and three suggestions for building peace where we are. ...

Pastor’s Pondering

Last week the Baltimore Washington Conference of the UMC met in Baltimore for its annual session of business, worship and “holy conferencing.” They are more than 625 churches in Maryland, the District of Columbia and two counties in West Virginia that make up the...

Pastor’s Ponderings

May 28 The United Methodist Church was born just over 50 years ago on April 23, 1968, when the Evangelical United Brethren (E.U.B.) Church and The Methodist Church united to form the new denomination.  In the midst of a nation divided over the Vietnam War, the civil...

Pastor Pondering May 22

New Sermon Series:  Blessed Are the Peacemakers “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5: 9) I don’t know about you, but reading the newspaper, checking social media or listening to the news on the radio...