Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

I was planning to write about another of the pathways of discipleship that we are looking at this month, but there is much more pressing news that is on our hearts right now.   The vicious attack in Israel carried out by Hamas on October 8 resulted in hundreds of...

Pastors Pondering

Calvary United Methodist Church helps people grow in their walk with Christ through practicing and promoting five discipleship pathways. We’ve been looking at these in our worship this month as well as in a series of these “pastor ponderings.” Last week I lifted up...

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? A disciple is a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ is to set out on the path to follow Jesus and become more and more like him, especially regarding how we...

Pastors Pondering

Mission Sunday coming October 8 Once again, we will have a hands-on mission project in the Parish Hall running on a Sunday morning, 9 AM to noon. On Sunday, October 8, the Parish Hall will be transformed into a Mission Site and we will package 10,000 meals with our...

Pastors Pondering

The Calvary Weekday School is back in session. I hear the children playing on the playground just outside the Baker Center each morning. If you come to the Church on Sunday morning, you might not know about the church’s excellent program for children and...

Pastors Pondering

Here is a list of specific and practical things we can do to care for creation. This comes from Mike Koob, a member of Middletown United Methodist Church and Global Ministries Earthkeeper. This is intended to get us thinking about how we can respond to the growing...