Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

This Sunday we begin the season of Advent, really. I know, the church is already decorated, and the holiday music has been playing in the shops and on the radio. But Sunday we begin a new church year and light the first candle in the Advent Wreath and begin our...

Pastors Pondering

Here is a blessing that I came across in my reading. May it speak to us in these turbulent and challenging times. Happy thanksgiving.   -Pastor Steve   May God bless you. granting you discomfort when confronted with easy answers, half-truth and superficial...

Pastors Pondering

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds. – Phil 4:6-7 The sense that there...

Pastors Pondering

Pastor Pondering – Nov 7 Things are busy at Calvary UMC right now. On Monday afternoon, a crew from the organ manufacturer arrived with several vehicles and began unloading the structure and various pieces of the new organ. This is the first of three phases for...

Pastors Pondering

We have seen far too many deaths from gun violence. All of us should be upset, outraged, angry especially as followers of Jesus Christ. As a society, we have been successful at making automobiles safer to drive, water safer to drink, and developed medications that can...

Pastors Pondering

Faith grows as we read and study the Bible. Christian have long held that reading and studying the Bible can bring us into a vital relationship with God. The Bible offers us insights into God’s character and the ways in which God calls us to be in a relationship. The...