Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastor’s Ponderings

Pastors Pondering

This year, the Valentine’s Day holiday falls on the same day as Ash Wednesday. That means we will begin the season of Lent with calls to repentance of spiritual discipline on the same day we celebrate romance and love. Not much is known about the real history of the...

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Pastors Pondering

With skillful and loving hands, the new instrument is being installed. This is a work of many years of planning, prayer, giving and construction. The organ will provide us with music to inspire, to call us to prayer, to lift our spirits and to connect us with the...

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Pastors Pondering

A few times I have written about the disaffiliation that has been taking place in the United Methodist Church. That’s a fancy word for a congregation that has decided to separate from the denomination according to a particular window that was available over the last 4...

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Pastors Pondering

Each year, every United Methodist congregation is asked to complete a statistical report. The report includes financial numbers, such as income and the amount spent on the program, staffing, and operating costs for the year. The report also includes statistics...

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Pastors Pondering

While watching the snow come down yesterday, I reread King’s famous Letter from Birmingham Jail. It can be found at click here.  Written in 1963 on scraps of paper smuggled out from a jail cell, the letter is a stirring account of what King was intending to accomplish...

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Pastors Pondering

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, had a practice of leading people to renew a promise to God. During Wesley’s life, this became a yearly practice that came to be known as a “covenant service,” often celebrated on New Year’s Day or on a Sunday near...

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Pastors Pondering

I had an interesting conversation over the holiday. Somehow, while wishing Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to friends, someone at the table asked, “Can you wish everybody well? How about someone who was an abuser, a criminal, a bully? Is it possible to wish that...

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Pastors Pondering

Christmas time is full of stories. Remember the time that we piled into the station wagon and drove to Grandma and grandpa’s house in the snowstorm? How about that time when Dad picked out the Christmas tree that wouldn’t fit in the living room? Remember the time when...

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Pastors Pondering

  Last month a group from the church met to discuss ways that we could promote caring for God’s creation. We decided to share a list of practical things that can be done that can make a difference. Here are things that individuals and groups can do. Consider...

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