Church 301-662-1464 School 301-662-6783

Pastors Pondering

The stained-glass windows add beauty and richness to the Calvary sanctuary. They bring light and color into the building as well as reminders of the stories and teachings of the Bible. There are eight windows along the nave (the main part of the sanctuary) which have...

Pastors Pondering

There are many stained glass windows that add beauty and richness to the Calvary sanctuary. They bring light and color into the building as well as reminders of the stories and teachings of the Bible. While the larger windows are high on the walls, there are eight...

Pastors Pondering

In the past, I have used this space to share some of the books that I’ve read. It’s been a while since I did that so I thought I might catch you up. So, here’s what I’ve been reading: The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson about the period in WWII when Winston...

Pastors Pondering

Labor Day always seems a turning point in the year for me. The school year gets underway, the days are getting shorter and we make the turn from summer into fall. This month we are moving into the sixth month of living with the coronavirus pandemic and we don’t yet...

Pastors Pondering

The Task Force on Re-Opening the church buildings has recommended that we begin in-person worship services in the sanctuary each Sunday morning starting on Sunday, September 6. There will be one worship service offered at 9:00 AM each Sunday. We will also continue to...

Pastors Pondering

What does it mean to be the church these days? Even though we often talk about the church as a building, we know that the church is not a building.  The church is something different than stone and mortar, pulpit and pew. Even though we often talk about church as a...